Frequently asked questions.
How much paint do I need to paint a small bedroom?
As a rough guide, most acrylic interior wall paints will cover about 13-16m2 per litre, but always check the manufacturers label. Remember to calculate enough paint for two coats.
Must I always use two topcoats of interior wall paint?
To ensure the proper durability and washability of paint, two coats must always be used to obtain a thick enough film build. Two coats are also important for even colour coverage.
I have chosen a bright colour to paint my interior walls with. Why do I need to use a tinted undercoat?
Because strong colours are tinted from a Clear or an Accent Base, the opacity of the finish comes mainly from the tinters. Some tinters, especially the yellows and reds, do not have the opacity to provide good coverage, regardless of the brand of the product or the tinter. A grey undercoat underneath helps these colours to have an even finish and to provide a solid colour.
How can I tell if my existing paint is water based or oil?
On a rag (preferably a different colour from the paintwork), pour a decent amount of methylated spirits. Hold the rag against the paintwork for about 30 seconds. After this time, rub the paint with the rag. If the paint softens and comes off on the rag, it is water based. If the Metho does not soften it at all, it is most likely an oil base.
Do I always need an acrylic sealer undercoat on bare plasterboard?
It is strongly recommended that a wallboard sealer (or sealer undercoat) is applied as it provides a uniform surface for subsequent coats, and contributes to colour and sheen uniformity in the finish.